6:38 PM chocky 0 Comments

start form my new picture...
shopping agn...
i go mid valley and buy buy buy...
i buy many thing on this year...
but my shoe...
i feel apologize because i buy many shoe at december...
it was to early...
now i see my lovely shoe but i cnt buy...
it will waste moe money...
i need to save money ady...
this year i spend alot of money at my shirt...
so sad,,,
my money was gone away from me...
but thx my mum yesterday buy alot of shirt for me...
i like the topshop shirt so much...
maybe i wear it look like so slim...
just a joke...

 my mum and me... 

dear and me..xD

he look funny at this pic..lolzz

when we was back from mid valley..
there was so many car...
we jam at the road maybe half and hour..
i damn tired that time...

he looks tired too...

my mum was concentrated driving her car...

i look so ugly at this pic...

that is the thing that i buy....
i buy many t-shirt tat day...
and i help my mum choose shirt too...
i like the topshop shirt so much...
if i'm not feeling tired i think i will shop till none stop...
so crazy me...

now i was at my kampung...
the way to my kampung was flood because of rain...
hope the rain will stop...

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