
The BF's birthday dinner @Colisuem 1921 (Plaza 33)

3:33 PM chocky 0 Comments

It is always a headache problem when comes to what restaurant should I choose for a birthday dinner.
This happened every year, couldn't escape it. Lolll
especially for your love one, you don't want the celebration to be too normal yet without surprise.
I google for so long about where should I choose, than I found out Coliseum Cafe and Grill Room since 1921.

it was the "Longest Operating Colonial Themed Restaurant".
At first I was decide to visit the outlet located at Jalan TAR, but Plaza 33 was nearer.
So here will be my choice.

Design was almost same with outlet at Jalan TAR.

our sits were nearby the bar that prepare drinks for customer.

I need to learned that lazy can make a big trouble. loll
I was lazy to book for a place again, I thought full house will not happen during weekdays.
In fact, I'm wrong. Totally wrong.
When we reached there, they were having full house and recording name for customer to queue.
Luckily we didn't wait for too long, cause we are just two persons only.
Learned from this lesson -.-

full of families, couples and friends dinner.
the ambiance is so historical, I felt I was moving back to Colonial era.
really love it.

Sry to say that I was too excited and hungry.
I totally forgot all of the price of the foods. Loll
well, the price is reasonable. no joke.
it definitely not in the expensive range.
worth to try it!!

The menu, Coliseum serve pork free menu.

Mushroom Soup

Baked Crabmeat
the meat taste heavenly for me especially when it dip with the complement sauce. 

Ordered mocktail instead of cocktail.
I am addicted with it after I had my first try at Monte's restaurant.
trying some different flavors.

ingredients was include orange, pineapple, lime juice and 7up.
the bartender did a good job.

Tutti Fruitty - mango, pineapple, orange, lemon juice and mixed fruit.
The name of this drink attracted me to order it.
It didn't disappoint me, my favorite sweet and sour combination :D

while waiting for main dishes, of course we can't forget to take pictures xD

the birthday boy, he look so "kid" with the apron. haha
he order a sizzling set. 
Coliseum provide an apron for customer who order sizzling set, to prevent the sauce spill on their shirt. 

my waiting pose again. x))

forget the name again.
But it was mushroom chicken with raisin rice.
feeling to eat rice on that day, loll
but guess what, I couldn't finish it -.-
the portion was too big for me.
but still, the mushroom chicken taste good.
only the mushroom sauce was too thick, I felt greasy after I having for awhile.

The raisin rice is flavorful!!
especially when I bite it with the crispy bread crumbs ❤
first time I found out raisin rice goes really well with bread crumbs.


Sizzling Chicken with garlic sauce.
the chicken was well grilled and also not forget to mention the delicious garlic sauce.

complement with potato wedges and cauliflowers.

He was like going back to childhood -.-
His favorite pose.

my arm was fat!!! my face was soooo chubbyyyyy!!!!

messy table.

if you realize, we exchanged our food.
because I couldn't finish mine.
boyfriend was almost finish the chicken chop, so the last small piece was my responsibility. haha

I was thinking a different way to surprise him.
I found out we didn't blow any candles in restaurant when we was having birthday dinner, this is because we felt embarrassed when there were only two persons. Loll

my mind on that time was like "aiya, nobody will care us one la, because it was our celebration. Just go ahead". 
he was so surprised, because he thought I will blow it at home.
but he was wrong. x))

Happy birthday to you, My love one ❤

I love this shot, pls spot the flame of the candle. xDD

another bad of the restaurant is their staffs didn't take nice pictures. Loll.
so we selca at home, haha

Don't know what should I gift him and decided to gift him a wallet.
I saw his wallet was so damaged. Loll
it was a gift by me also, it was like 2 years ago??

btw, wish you a happy birthday and thank you for everything you did for me.
I am not a good temper people, you are the one who always tolerate with me.

Happy birthday and Love you ❤ 

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