daily life,

1st month of college life

10:22 PM chocky 0 Comments

halo everyone..
this week is such a busy week,
make me no free to update my blog :(

as you all know, i'm a colleagues now :D
i was attending class about one month ady...
wow...time passed damn fast ><
in this one month..
i was rushing presentation with classmate , preparing homework to pass up..
but it is better thn always stay at home and facing the computer playing FACEBOOK or whatever..
my life is full of challenges now..
because of my weak english , all my friends felt stressful too with the same reason :(
and now i'm having so many homework and 2 moral assignment haven done it ><
urghh!! #collegelife 
i got my 2 moral assignment in my 1st moral class... #FML

here is some environment of  my college 

some discussion room of my college 
1st floor of my college, any event will celebrate at here
class room 
my new friend yingying :)

this is chyng and yingying
chyng got some mental problem i think..LOLLL
but because of her "mental problem" she brought a lot fun for us... xD
this guy always likes to capture photo
chyng become background again , LOLL

US :)
and after my class, my bf brought me to ate dinner..
we miss TAIWAN CUISINE so much
so we decided to ate FENG LYE @the garden

糖醋肉 , yummy x)

tomato fish 

some kind of sausage 
yummy face x)
ok, that's all for today...
today I having a gathering with my besties @TAO sunway giza , will update about it soon x))

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