
Cameron Highland

9:43 PM chocky 0 Comments

this post is full of strawberry and veggie. LOL

it was my exam week @@
but my father still decided to brought us to Cameron Hiighland..
we woke up at 5.30a.m. to bath and prepaid those stuff that we haven packed.
we started our journey around 6.30am like that..
don't know why we reach there already 12pm
almost vomit in the car.

first day we went cactus valley 
spotted my father =z=

this flower was so cute

after visit those flower we went to eat chocolate strawberry steamboat.

the menu 

 cam-whoring while queue up 

yummy <3

cactus valley also full of flower and vegetable ;)

i had no idea what is this plant = = 

this cactus's age is 40++ years :O

mini cactus

casual outfit of a day

after cactus valley we went to boh tea house 
their mountain was full of tea plant
OMG, it was huge :O

actually it was danger while capturing this picture
i'm so nervous when i stand there = =
me, my mum, my dad  and my brother


brother and sister 

my pity shoe T_T

family again 

steamboat for our dinner
seriously their steamboat was damn bad taste 
1st time i tried tom yam taste like clear soup ;O
my god 

camera highland's pasar malam 

~day1 END~
Cameron Highland was so cold at night
i was trembling like hell = =

day 2 now, we decided to visit strawberry farm
yea! that is what i wait

before that, here is a group picture

we are reach!
is time to picked our strawberry <3

i love big and sweet strawberry x))

our strawberry collection xD
but their strawberry farm was abit crowed 
one way can only let one person pass by = =

after strawberry farm we went to other place to eat strawberry waffle and chocolate strawberry cake
love the waffle, so soft and delicious
finish our food thn is time to rose valley!

welcome xD

love the smell seriously <3

mt brother was so excited till he jumping up from the floor, LMAO

family shoot 

thats all,
next will post about my birthday with my boy <3

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