
Kiss Me event @Sunway Lagoon

9:52 PM chocky 0 Comments

hey guys!!
finally I'm backkkkkk.
I'm so excited because I'm free now!
I had just finished my exam, suffering several months.
from assignments till exam.
I gonna enjoy my holiday before I start my next semster!!

I had just attended the kiss me event on last Saturday.
It was a very fun day.
thx for Frankie tagging me along and I got know many new friends.
they are so awesome xD

First we will have a make up session using Kiss Me waterproof products.
after we done our make up we will need to choose the theme park and play.
get wet to proof their make up is waterproof xDD

make up that we used.

photo credit by Amelie
serious face on doing my make up xD

after we done our make up we need to choose the theme park to play and done our mission.
we divided into 4 people in one group.

4 pretty girls xD
Chency, Amelie, Audrey and yours truly ❤

our serious face while listen to the explanation.

after all the gaming section is our pampering section.

pinkish theme :)

cutie cupcakes ❤

manicure section.

is Audrey :D

hallo Alice ;p

princess feel for hair do and make up xD

all the girls. ❤


had  a lot of fun during this event.

have a nice day everyone ❤
peace ^^v

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