Port Dickson trip
Hi all, feeling so relax during my sem break.
didn't find job again cause I felt that I need some rest.
hmm, maybe will work for KLCC home deco fair? xD
just back from port dickson with my lovely BFF.
it was such a beautiful memory for me, hope that we have time to go for another trip again.
and yes!
I cut my fringe, don't know why.
I still remember when I was form 3 I used to keep short fringe.
and that time is so suit me because I'm still 'young'
but I still feel this time quite ok right? loll
ok, back to the topic.
we reach there at around 1-2pm I think.
started to check in and then camwhore.
is me.
the room, I think it was a little bit similar with sepang.
a little bit only la -.-
the view
didn't manage to capture many pic cause we spent our time on the beach.
kai tao and weng hong
me and yean
same but it was day 2
forgot to take pic with joey agn.
beach shoot
I know I'm ugly shit -.-
the sun goes down! ;p
that's all.
feeling good to have a trip with all of the bff.