

6:13 PM chocky 0 Comments

i miss my blog badly :(
(yingying likes to do my background = =)

I realize that I didn't update my blog since the last post..
I thought I was ady finish my assignment can relax...
but i am wrong, I still left an assignment and exam is the next two week.. :O
I wish that I'm dreaming but I'm not..
today just finish my moral class and we just take a small group photo..

a bit fail = =

I don't know why, he just focusing him = =

below of this photo, because of the camera man keep pressing the capture button....
     become a process photo == 

② (I don't know what he want = =)

my college life is amazing!
I knew a lot of new friends at here and I learn a lot of things...
specially thank to Bryan who always become a 'translator'
the two cute girls yingying and chyng
they are my listener and friends that be with me :)

yingying and me

here is chyng!
she was a funny girl that always make me laugh...

and of cause, I won't forget other classmate that bring many happy to me during my college life..
key fon (noisy guy), joey (girl like to scold ppl? LOLL), Anthony (gam yu lou?) and others...

and now,
I'm gonna sing K with my secondary school's friends...
miss them ❤
 that's all..

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