
10:12 PM chocky 0 Comments

ok...i heath was getting bad and bad...i seen like a 紙片人??
erm...i dono...just feel like i was thin thn before...
why everyone eat the same meal with me....why my body will getting unhealthy...
i really cant understand of this...
now was my second period in this month so damn many trouble whn i was at period time...
suddenly moody with non reason...
suck...hate it!!
how can i get a healthy body...who can teach me,,,arhh...
now i still can run as fast as i can///
i was control my food and drink now...
just hope i will become a simple healthy girl only...
izzit difficult to me??

tomorrow i was go school for 新春晚會...
i will go because of... KIMBERLY was chen yee...
keep calling me go and go...i cant tahan she ady...
lazy go but still need was good, work for her father...
no need go the boring 晚會...
= =|| i was admire her...

btw,,i was many day din chat properly with my boy...
maybe his hse have problem need him to solve it and i was having intevensi...
after this i will accompany chat and chat...LOLZZ

i think it was long update today...
hope tmr can take many photo...i like to take photo for my life....
now i was boring till online hearing MYFM...

opps...forget to say i was finding english course...
i should no i MUST improve my english...
my english was broke broke broke...zzz


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